March 25, 2024
The planning and asset management process for over 5,500km of widely
dispersed rail assets in WA required updated high-resolution ortho rectified
maps. Outline was approached to map these areas over a short period in
unfavourable winter flying conditions.
Two Gtech camera systems were simultaneously deployed to capture data
along railway corridors spread between Geraldton to Esperance; a total length of
more than 5,500km. The image acquisition took 130 aerial survey hours to capture and 1,200 person-hours to process.
All imagery would be ready for use in Geographic Information System (GIS)
and asset management systems, within five months.
100% of targets were captured by the camera systems, including several areas
with low winter sun angles and other logistical difficulties. The imagery produced
by these systems was of high quality, despite the many challenges faced.
Our customer maintained a high level of confidence in the project delivery due to
accurate and consistent reporting throughout the project.
Outline Global A4 Case studies_Web_CORRIDOR MAPPING